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About is the outsourcing website where buyers of heat treating services can connect with the largest network of commercial heat treaters in the world...the Metal Treating Institute (MTI).


The Metal Treating Institute, a non-profit trade association established in 1933, has been the leading provider of heat treating services around the world.   With plants in 40 states and 8 countries, MTI members can virtually meet any customer’s needs no matter what size, project, process, or quality.


Combined, MTI members perform every process known to heat treating, hold every certification required for the highest levels of quality assurance, and have metallurgical and engineering expertise second to none.


MTI provides a vast array of services to its heat treaters including:  a technical standards committee, quality training, networking meetings, online collaboration, leadership development, an energy program, and consultants in safety, metallurgy, environmental, and quality.  These programs ensure our network of members have the expertise needed to meet your needs.

Within this site, you will be able to:


  • Locate a heat treater by process, certification, company name, or location

  • Learn more about why outsourcing all, or just a part of your heat treating, can be a huge cost savings to your company

  • Take virtual plant tours of selected MTI member plants


With heat treating being both capital and labor intensive, our goal is to connect you, the buyer, with heat treaters who can meet your needs, maximize your margins, and expand your capacity and productivity.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact our worldwide headquarters:  CLICK HERE.



MTI Diamond


MTI Silver


© 2010 Metal Treating Institute

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